Hobbies For Ghosts
I have a lot of unfinished business
for someone with all this time on their hands.
Ghosts have unfinished business,
(and time)
and that’s how you become a ghost
and everyone knows it.
In this case all of my unfinished business is
really just unstarted business,
so I’m ahead of the ghost game,
and if I pile up hobbies I’ll never start now
then I’ll never be bored in the afterlife.
Future ghosts have it made.
Future me is going to take 200 years
to carve a first draft wooden spoon
that no one will ever use but everyone
will get a splinter from
until there’s no spoon left.
Future me is going to write
a 1000-year memoir
about being sub-par
at hobbies you’ve been doing for 1000 years.
It’s a self-help book for other ghosts and
a masterclass in mediocrity.
Future me is a ghost,
with too much ghost time.
What comes after ghost?